CPA Bulletin
2019 Set to Be Busy for Brogan Group Hatz Engine Range Engineered to Meet EU Stage V Regulations NEWS FROMCPA MEMBERS: 7 The next stage of EU emission standards - Stage V - are set to be implemented throughout the EU including the UK from the start of 2019. These new regulations bring forward a demand to reduce Particulate Matter (PM) alongside extended control of both PM and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx.) emissions. The European commission states: ‘engines contribute significantly to air pollution and are accountable for roughly 15% of the NOx and 5% of the PM emissions in the EU… several technical reviews have concluded that the legislation in its current form has shortcomings…therefore, and in line with the developments in the road sector, the introduction of new emission stage (Stage V), which would target particle number limits in addition to particle mass limits appeared appropriate’. Hatz GB can confirm that the company’s range of engines, including single, twin, three and four cylinder engines, will comply with these regulations. All Hatz engines up to 19 kilowatts will meet the requirements of EU Stage V without any additional exhaust emission treatment required. Joe Wilmer, Managing Director Hatz GB Limited said: “Our drive to bring all our engines up to EU Stage V compliance presented us with a series of challenges, but the development of current technology alongside new engineering advancements made our journey to a successful conclusion a smooth operation.” Access specialist, Brogan Group is looking forward to another year of bold growth in the company’s powered access divisions. As investment ramped up with another round of asset purchasing late last year, Brogan’s Hoist and Mast Climber Divisions expanded yet again. This forms part of the Group’s ongoing commitment to offering only new or nearly new machines. Brogan Group supplies an extensive range of hoists of varying sizes and capacity, some of which were designed specifically for the requirements of large, specialist projects, such as the 53 storey Madison Tower in Canary Wharf. To allow for the rapid fit out and installation of prefabricated bathroom pods to the lower floors whilst the tower is still under construction, Brogan commissioned the bespoke Colossus hoist to work in tandem with the company’s Common User Tower on the project until its early 2020 completion. Brogan’s Design and Service Engineers have commented on the benefits of working with new or nearly new machines, as it makes the design and maintenance of optimum access schedules much smoother, given the range and quality of units to choose from. Design possibilities are further increased by the company’s bespoke fabrication capabilities, where unique elements for machines can be fabricated at the company’s ‘super site’ in Cambridgeshire in response to any unusual façade design challenges or access requirements. With several major projects starting soon, such as Battersea Phase 3, along with many other projects throughout the UK, Ireland and UAE, Brogan Group is looking forward to a very busy 2019 for powered access. CPA Bulletin > February 2019 37 To submit news for consideration for future issues of the CPA Bulletin, please email: lisa @