CPA Bulletin CPA Bulletin > February 2022 11 ASSOCIATION NEWS: 4 Lynch apprenticeship scheme, so prior to attending ACOP Group’s centre in late November 2021, he discussed with Siôn which category he thought would be a good addition to his card. Siôn told us: “I had the pleasure of spending a number of days with Jimwhilst at our training centre and initially, I was intrigued by which direction Jimwould go, but he decided that his prize category should be the CPCS agricultural-based tractor because he could see the immediate benefits of holding this category with gainful employment.” Following the required several days of training and based upon the CPCS learning outcomes requirements, Jim undertook and passed the stringent CPCS testing process for this category. However, with such an enthusiastic attitude towards his personal development and in true Stars of the Future fashion, Jim decided to take full advantage of his time released for training at ACOP Group fromwhich he self-funded an additional two categories; the ride-on roller and wheeled rigid dump truck. Again, this required a number of days training before being tested on both his skills and knowledge. Having undertaken tests on the three categories, Jimwas subjected to some 200 theory questions - both on technical and health-and-safety related subjects, before performing a series of prescribed and demanding technical-based activities on each machine type. Upon successful achievement of all three categories, Jim returned to the Midlands with his newly acquired CPCS categories and is now keen to draw on his enhanced skill set. The kind offer by the ACOP Group to co-support the Stars of the Future through this enviable prize means that it not only enhances a winner’s career, but acts as encouragement to new apprentices that national recognition awaits to those who fully commit to their apprenticeship programme. Siôn summarises the Stars of the Future awards programme by saying that: “It shines a bright light on the construction sector and gives national recognition to some extremely hard-working individuals. It also allows employers the opportunity to showcase and celebrate some of their budding talent. We now look forward to the 2022 CPA Star of the Future awards and welcoming the next winner to sit a course with us at the ACOP Group.” The CPA thanks both Siôn and his staff for providing this great opportunity to apprentices and also to all the other sponsors of the successful Stars of the Future awards programme, now entering its 10th year in 2022.