CPA Bulletin
28 CPA Bulletin > February/March 2021 Final touches are being put to a long-awaited and detailed best practice guide on the safe use of mobile cranes on barges before its publication early in 2021. The guide is being produced by the International Crane Stakeholders Assembly (ICSA) of which ESTA is a member. At the last meeting of the ICSA, delegates also decided to start work on a new best practice guide on the use of mobile cranes in pile driving and extraction work. Any CPA or ESTA members interested in contributing to this work are invited to contact the ESTA office. The ICSA’s role is to promote the harmonization of international standards and share information on safety, technical and regulatory issues. The ICSA has seven crane user and manufacturer members from Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan and the USA. Further information can be found on the ESTA website or at Guide to safe use of cranes on barges out soon Following the news that Intermat in April next year has been cancelled, ESTA is now planning to hold its next ESTA Users’ Night and Awards on April 22nd, 2021 as an online event with - hopefully - the addition of a special “in person” celebration of the winners at ESTA’s autumn meeting in Finland. Further information can be found on the ESTA website at Intermat cancelled: ESTA Awards 2021 to go online Brexit deal’s impact on road transport - IRU summary The International Road Transport Union (IRU) has produced a summary of the most important new rules relating to road and goods transport. These came into effect on January 1, 2021 after the European Union and the United Kingdom finally signed a trade and cooperation agreement, ESTA is a member of the IRU and the documents are in the Downloads or Library section of the ESTA website at Three of ESTA’s top officials were unanimously re-elected for further three-year terms at the organisation’s General Assembly at the end of last year. André Friderici, Technical Director of Swiss-based Friderici Spécial, stays on as President of ESTA’s Section Transport; Jens Enggaard, CEO of Danish company BMS, remains as ESTA Treasurer; and Stijn Sarens, Global Key Account Manager at Belgian multinational firm Sarens, retains his position as ESTA Secretary. ESTA Board members re-elected Formed in 1976, ESTA is the leading European association for the mobile crane rental and abnormal road transport industry and represents national trade associations. ESTA has members in 19 countries and also welcomes affiliate members from relevant equipment manufacturers, clients, government departments, regulatory bodies, service companies and all organisations active in our markets. In addition, ESTA has also created the category of “Supporter” for companies that are members of their national association but who want to become more directly involved in ESTA’s work. For more details, go to ESTA - the European Association of Abnormal Road Transport and Mobile Cranes ESTA: 2