CPA Bulletin CPA Bulletin > May 2018 29 Trailblazer Apprenticeships The employer development group for the Hire Controller trailblazer have been devising the standard (which outlines what the occupation is about and the skills and knowledge required) sincemid 2017 and submitted the finalised standard to the Institute for Apprenticeships (IfA) in January 2018. The Chair of the group received confirmation from the IfA inMarch 2018 that the standard had received approval after going through three of their approval panels. After a number of years of getting approval to develop this apprenticeship, the group are extremely pleased to gain approval. The IfA commented that: “The Panel is satisfied that this standard includes sufficient technical knowledge to justify a distinct, stand-alone apprenticeship and Panel members, including a member who has direct experience of working in a plant hire facility, think the standard provides an excellent grounding in the basics and a good starting point for those wishing to progress in the sector”. The completed standard will shortly be available for viewing at www. . The group are now constructing the assessment plan and an end-point assessment for which they started developing at their meeting in mid-April 2018. It is hoped to achieve final approval of this apprenticeship in late Summer 2018. Lifting Technician This new trailblazer apprenticeship is now available for delivery and the standards and assessment plan can be viewed and downloaded at www. apprenticeship-standards/lifting- technician/ . The full range of end point assessment documents have also been completed are now being hosted on the CPA website and can be downloaded free-of-charge from trailblazer-downloads. To progress availability of this apprenticeship, a roll-out day was jointly organised between the CITB and CPA in mid-March 2018 where interested training and assessment organisations attended the event to learn more about this apprenticeship and opportunities it can offer. CPA agreed to, on behalf of the crane and tower crane interest groups, support the training and assessment organisations and their centres wishing to offer this trailblazer and further have set up a webpage where organisations able to offer the apprenticeship can be listed. This is conditional in that CPA has asked those organisations to sign an agreement in that they will use and abide by the conditions and criteria set out in the CPA-hosted end point assessment and training syllabus documents, as devised by the lifting technician trailblazer employer group. CPA will provide further support to any listed organisation through the marketing and promotion of the trailblazer. The details of organisations meeting this criteria can be found at trailblazerproviders/ . As part of the quality assurance process, CPA staff will provide relevant technical expertise to CITB quality assurance staff, who are the designated organisation to conduct quality checks on training and assessment organisations, on the delivery and decision-making processes of this trailblazer. CPA will also offer this support to providers and assessment centres/organisations where clarification on technical or delivery issues are sought, ensuring the lifting technician apprenticeship remains a quality product for the lifting sector. The CPA have a stand at the Vertikal Days show, being held on the 16th and 17thMay 2018 and will be pleased to field questions around this new trailblazer apprenticeship. Training: 4 Hire Controller (Plant, Tools and Equipment)