CPA Bulletin

LEGAL: 3 The Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order 2019 has taken effect from 6th April 2019. The order applies to certain awards of Employment Tribunals and to other amounts payable under employment legislation. The rates are: The maximum amount of a ‘week’s pay’ for the purpose of calculating a Redundancy Payment or for the basic or additional award of compensation for Unfair Dismissal claims or for payments to employees in the event of a company going into insolvency is £525 . The limit on the amount of compensatory award for Unfair Dismissal is £86,444 . However, since July 2013, employees are subject to a further cap here as the Employment Tribunal cannot award the employee any more than a year’s salary by way of compensation. The limit on the daily amount of Statutory Guarantee Payment is £29.00. The Government’s rates for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP), Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP) and Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP) are for the tax year 2019/2020. The rates have increased to the figures below: The standard weekly rate of SMP and the weekly rates of SPP, SAP and Maternity Allowance is £148.68. The weekly rate of SSP is £94.25. The lower earnings limit for qualifying for SSP, SMP, SPP and SAP is £118.00 per week. National Living Wage The Government’s National Living Wage was introduced from 1st April 2016 for all working people aged 25 years and over. The new rate as from 1st April 2019 is £8.21. The Government also introduced a penalty, which would be imposed against any employer, who continues to pay below the correct hourly rate to any eligible employee(s). The penalty imposed could be up to £20,000 per employee who is or has been underpaid since 1st April 2016. Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order 2019 Low loader - upto 150 tonne capacity with supply of escort Lorry mounted Hiab, Road sweeper & Lowloader Services for Hire For more info please contact EPS Plant Manager Shaun Bean on or 07785 455 349 Road sweeper Hiab - 66 tonne metre crane with trailer National coverage 64 CPA Bulletin > May 2019