CPA Bulletin CPA Bulletin > May 2020 17 Gateway into Construction The Home of Hidden Talent GATEWAY INTOCONSTRUCTION: 1 The RMF Construction Training Academy was formed back in 2014 when RMF Construction Services noticed a void in the construction industry for the training of candidates who were often socially excluded, such as ex-offenders, the homeless and minority groups. A conscious decision was made to create a training company focused on giving disadvantaged individuals the skills and confidence to build a career in the construction industry and hence the RMF Construction Training Academy was born. In its first year of operation, a total of 36 people were trained and this figure has grown exponentially to the training of over 1,500 candidates every year. Up to 700 ex-offenders have now come through the Fresh Start programme, of which it is estimated that 400 individuals have subsequently gained sustainable employment in the construction sector. RMF also carries out training within nine prisons, alongside multiple college partnerships, in order to train and support candidates both pre and post release from prison to ensure they have the best possible opportunity to enter employment. All training delivered by RMF within prisons is funded by HM Prison Service, Prison Education Framework providers, and training delivered through the RMF Construction Training Academy is funded by the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA). The purpose of RMF’s Fresh Start initiative is to remove the systematic barriers to work for under-represented and minority groups within society to bring about change in the construction industry’s approach towards recruitment. There is a clear focus on rehabilitating ex-offenders and providing individuals with the relevant training, development and qualifications required to find paid work and reintegrate back into society. From the outset RMF has focused on pinpointing career opportunities within the community, partnering with employers, and aligning training to provide real opportunities for individual growth and long-term career development. CPA Bulletin interviewed Operations Manager Dara McCarthy who joined the RMF Group some eight years ago, after working in the construction industry for over 12 years. Dara oversees all of RMF’s training initiatives and labour supply and was instrumental in setting up RMF’s labour supply division and subsequent training division. Dara forms the link with the WMCA and key college partners such as Solihull, Dudley and Sandwell College to ensure the right partnerships and funding are in place, as well as having direct contact with clients. He said: “Our trainees can be referred from a number of sources. They can be referred from the likes of the probationary service, job centres or prisons. When the RMF Construction Training Academy was first established, we formed a partnership with one local prison - HMP Hewell Grange - and it has developed from there. “We now train prisoners who are on day release from HMP Hewell Grange, as the rules on temporary release from prison have been eased to help improve offenders’ job prospects. They are Category D prisoners so are classed as the lowest security and risk assessments have been CPA Bulletin visited the RMF Construction Training Academy in Birmingham to find out more about the RMF Fresh Start programme which is helping the industry resolve skills shortages and provide training and employment opportunities for some of the most vulnerable people in society.