CPA Bulletin
38 CPA Bulletin > May 2020 TRAINING: 1 TRAINING Construction Plant Operative Following the formation of an employer group back in late 2016 to develop an apprenticeship for the occupation of Plant Operative at level 2, approval was eventually given in early 2018 by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) to develop this apprenticeship. The working group, chaired by Patrick Flannery from P Flannery Plant Hire, started work in earnest developing the standards and assessment plan. The working group consists of employers representing construction equipment owners and hirers, including those from the demolition, rail, and extractives sectors, as well as clients and training providers. The group developed the standard - the skills, knowledge and behaviours (KSB) required for the apprenticeship - with learning taking place with four machines over a 15 month period. The machine types include an excavator, dumper or dump truck, forklift and ride-on roller, acting as the stepping-stone into the sector and occupation. The content includes learning on operator-level servicing and basic maintenance techniques, as well as the marshalling of plant, providing apprentices with an overall understanding of plant operations and supporting activities. Although there is a requirement to have at least 20% of the learning of the job, the majority of learning will be undertaken within the workplace. The standard received approval from the IfATE in mid-2019 and the group’s final task was developing the assessment plan - the methodology and requirements to effectively measure the KSBs. The devised assessment process includes a number of practical activities on each machine type, including preparation checks as well as a marshalling activity, a test of technical knowledge through a multi-choice testing format and a professional discussion supported by a work record book that needs completing in the workplace. A number of training providers supplied the typical costs for the training so that the relevant funding band could be determined. The assessment plant was submitted to the IfATE’s Construction route Approvals Panel in early January 2020 but was subsequently re-submitted in late-February following some amendments to the grading criteria. As of early April 2020, final approval was given meaning that the core of the development work has now been completed and the working group can prepare the apprenticeship for delivery to industry. This would normally involve a launch event but will need to be reviewed in light of current circumstances. Patrick Flannery, Chair of the working group said: “After many years of developing this apprenticeship, we’re pleased to have passed the final hurdle in getting the assessment plan approved. This means that we can now prepare the apprenticeship for delivery. “I’d like to thank the members of working group for their unstinting devotion, input and time to get this apprenticeship though to fruition, coping admirably with the frustrations and issues of the development phase. It is a measure of their support that we now have an exciting apprenticeship to offer to the plant sector. More than ever, we need to attract new talent and we hope industry will support our efforts and take up this important apprenticeship.” Construction Equipment Maintenance Mechanic An employer development group was formed back in late 2016 in order to develop a new apprenticeship for those that maintain and service plant and equipment to replace the existing framework apprenticeship. The development group comprised of employers representing plant owners and hirers from the construction, extractives, Trailblazer Apprenticeships