CPA Bulletin CPA Bulletin > May 2021 33 LEGAL: 2 From 1st March 2021, London’s Direct Vision Standard (DVS) came into effect. All HGVs over 12 tonnes travelling throughout Greater London will need a permit. To qualify for a permit, the vehicle must have a minimum 1-star rating DVS, or, have a ‘safe system’ measure fitted to the vehicle - whether this is a camera, or sensor, or warning alarm. However, Transport for London (TfL) has allowed HGV operators who register with TfL before 1st March 2021 a ‘grace’ period of 90 days from that date to enable them to comply with the DVS safety requirements. Registration is conditional on operators providing evidence of their applications or planned installation arrangements for safe system equipment to their vehicles. Operators who do not register by that date and/or do not hold a valid HGV Safety Permit will face enforcement action by TfL. The DVS will operate in the same area as the existing London-wide Low Emission Zone (LEZ), and will operate for the full day, every day of the year. Any HGV which does not have a permit, or operates in contravention of the permit’s conditions, will be issued with a £550 Penalty Charge Notice for each day the vehicle is driven within the DVS area. Permits are free of charge to obtain and are still available; however, due to possible late demand, applications may take time to process. Further information on DVS can be found at https: // uk/info-for/deliveries-in-london/delivering-safely/direct- vision-in-heavy-goods-vehicles?utm_source=dotdigital&utm_ campaign=753397_Enews%2006%20January%202021&utm_ medium=email&dm_i=4WKY,G5BP,10AES0,1WT8S,1 London Direct Vision Standard (DVS) As a result of the Chancellor’s Budget, there were no changes to the overnight subsistence or mileage rates. A copy of the document can be found on the CPA’s website at Travelling and Subsistence Rate 2021/22 The latest version of the CPA’s ERD is available from the website at Updated CPA’s Employment Reference Document (ERD)