CPA Bulletin

12 CPA Bulletin > May 2022 CPA BENEFITS: 1 CPA’s Updated 2021 Terms and Conditions CPA members can use the updated 2021 CPA Model Conditions for business-to-business plant-hire contracts. Have you got the latest version that was circulated in late 2021? We’ve also updated and circulated the CPA’s Consumer, Supplementary, and Contract Lift Conditions for special types of plant-hire. For queries concerning any of the terms and conditions, please contact David Smith , or if you would like copies of any of the latest terms and conditions, please contact the Membership Support Team Are you up-to-date with your CPA benefits? CPAWebsite As a CPA member, you have special access to the member section of the CPA website at . You should already have your login details and you can check your company details to ensure they are accurate. For further assistance, please contact AdamGodwin or the Membership Support Team Training and Skills The CPA leads the agenda for skills and training in construction plant. If you need any further advice with regards to training and apprenticeships, contact Peter Brown . If you need further advice about grant aid or dealing with CITB as a levy-payer, contact Rob Squires Email Alerts and Webinars We issue regular email alerts for members and host webinars on specific topics such as the removal of red diesel. If you or key people in your organisation don’t receive our email alerts personally, contact the Membership Support Team to provide up-to-date contact information CPA Bulletin Our quarterly publication features the most current information on areas such as Training, Legal, Technical, Policy and Plant Theft. If you don’t personally receive a hard copy of the CPA Bulletin or you would like to add a colleague to the circulation list, contact AdamGodwin . Digital issues can also be viewed at cpa-bulletin/cpa-bulletin-archive Reduction in Insurance Premiums Being a CPA member may bring your insurance premiums down. Although we don’t offer any form of insurance cover to companies or individuals, we work closely with a number of established insurance brokers with experience in our sector. See Free Legal and Business Advice If you need legal or business advice, our Legal Manager David Smith may be able to help or point you in the right direction As a CPAmember, you receive a number of membership benefits to assist you in the running of your business. We’ve produced this visual to illustrate what benefits you are entitled to as a valued CPAmember.