CPA Bulletin

26 CPA Bulletin > May 2022 The CPA recently responded to the Department for Transport’s call for ideas as it develops plans and ideas for a low carbon fuel strategy. As COP26 and the fallout and impact from last year’s climate change summit recede as the wider domestic focus turns to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing cost of living crisis, efforts from policymakers across government continue to prepare the UK (and the debate on what it means) for a net zero future. What does this mean for the construction plant-hire industry? The call for ideas rightly recognises, albeit in limited form, the challenges the Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) sector faces in its efforts to decarbonise. Set alongside the wider document which highlights the ongoing barriers and opportunities the transport sector faces in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the document provides a degree of focus ahead of the final strategy to be published later this year. The CPA has very real concerns about how members can plan and invest in new technology and equipment, while simultaneously, dealing with the need to decarbonise the construction plant fleet and meet the government’s net zero targets. If the NRMM sector is to remain competitive while meeting the challenge of decarbonisation, we believe the focus of government must concentrate on the following areas: • A separate NRMM sector Low Carbon Fuel (LCF) strategy must be developed with the industry, OEMs and key stakeholders, that recognises the unique circumstances and challenges faced by businesses working in the sector. • A single government department to take responsibility for the NRMM LCF strategy and to work with the industry and other government departments and ministries in setting realistic targets and measures of success through the creation of a NRMM roadmap. POLICY: 1 POLICY Building the Road to Net Zero