CPA Bulletin CPA Bulletin > August 2021 19 TECHNICAL Technical CPA Special Interest Groups continue to review and where required, update the large range of good practice guides and technical information notes (TINs) for accuracy and relevancy, supported by the CPA Technical Manager and CPA’s Technical Consultant. Recent work has been undertaken on several Tower Crane Interest Group (TCIG) and Construction Hoist Interest Group (CHIG) publications as follows: TCIG TINs Technical information notes 001 to 010 have been reviewed with minor updates made, chiefly to updated legislation and regulations. TINs 011 to 020 are next in line for review. TINs 001 to 010 have been converted to a new 2021 CPA TIN style and will apply to all updated TIN’s, and are now available on the TCIG publications page on the CPA website at . CHIG publications Amendments have been made to publication CHIG 1101: Maintenance, inspection and thorough examination of construction hoists, which provides guidance on daily pre-use checks, inspections, thorough examination and maintenance of hoists. The latest amendments are mainly updates to legislative requirements. Amendments have been further made to publication CHIG 0501: Transporting Scaffolding in Construction Hoists (Including Transport Platforms); produced in conjunction with the National Access and Scaffolding Confederation (NASC), this has also been subject to minor amendments on updating relevant information. Both CHIG publications are now available for download in the CHIG publications page on the CPA website. Other CPA publications are under review and will be listed in future issues of the CPA Bulletin. Lifting Operations National Occupational Standards Review A working group was formed by CITB in order to review selected National Occupational Standards (NOS) units from the Controlling Lifting Operations (CLO) suite of units. The CLO standards were originally developed in 2007 by CPA Crane Interest Group (CIG) Members, as well as construction contractors. This followed a request made by CIG back in 2004 for dedicated categories within the Construction Plant Competence Scheme (CPCS) for the duties of Appointed Person and Crane/Lifting Operations Supervisor. The request was based on a need to develop a common set of training and assessment standards to overcome the inconsistent approach to the training of appointed persons that existed at the time and identified through nationally- recognised card schemes such as CPCS. The content of each NOS unit are listed as statements of competence and used as the basis of NVQs - although in the case of Scotland, are used directly as the evidence requirements for SVQs. The CLO NOS encompasses the roles of slinging/signalling at Level 2; supervising lifts at Level 4 and planning lifts at Level 5 and provides a hierarchical platform for the three roles. Since the introduction of the CLO NOS, they have stood the test of time, however, certain units were scheduled for a review, from which the working group was formed. The group consisted of representatives from the lifting sector, again including representatives from CIG as well as others from training providers, other associations and construction contractors. The group was chaired by the CPA’s Technical Manager on behalf of the lifting sector. The working group has now completed the review following some updating and minor amendments to specific units and those that have been reviewed and amended included: • Unit 402: Slinging and Signalling and the Movement of Suspended Loads • Unit 529: Plan Lifting Activities • Unit 530: Plan and Establish Safety, Health, Welfare and Environmental Systems for Lifting Operations • Unit 531: Supervise Lifting Activities Amendments to the units included some clarity and harmonisation around the evidence requirements and a change of terminology to reflect better what was normally understood by those in industry. The amended units were subsequently subject to an external consultation process, made available through a consultation pack on the CPA website, as well as being forwarded to CIG members, and industry through the Lead AP Group. The amended NOS units have now been uploaded to the national database and another CITB-led group are reviewing and amending the NVQ content to align with the changes made to the updated NOS units. Following CITB’s introductory process for awarding organisations, the amended NVQ and SVQ qualifications should be available from the latter part of 2021 onwards. CPA Technical Publications Update