CPA Bulletin

GUEST ARTICLE: 2 CPA Bulletin > August 2019 27 in data directly from a range of commercial companies, the CAA and military aviators and we have access to all civilian and military airfield surveys. As a result, the UK vertical obstruction database has increased from 38,000 in 2008 to today’s 133,000 points. In 2017 the Ordnance Survey (OS) carried out an independent assessment of DGC UK Vertical Obstruction data which concluded that the dataset was over 95% accurate in the recording of 300ft agl obstacles meeting European legislative accuracy requirements. Since then, new in-house crane initiatives ensure dismantled cranes are now removed from the database in a timely manner to resolve issues highlighted in the OS accuracy assessment. Limitations The biggest limitation for DGC in maintaining UK vertical obstruction data is that there is no legal obligation on anyone building or dismantling tall structures in the UK to tell DGC that they have done so. All builders must apply for planning permission, but again there is no legal obligation on Councils to provide us with any information. For civilian purposes it is mandatory to report Obstructions over 300ft agl to the CAA who then pass them to us, but it is obvious from our research programmes that this is a far from robust process. Unfortunately, despite recommendations made by the Aircraft Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) in 2014 in their Vauxhall Helicopter Accident Report, conversations with MOD legal confirmed mandatory reporting is far from certain even though the CAA state that it is still their long-term aim. So, DGC rely on the co-operation of construction companies to supply details of crane construction across the country in a timely manner. Conclusions and Further Information As you can see, the mapping of UK Obstructions remains a continual struggle. DGC work closely with the CAA, UK Government and Defence departments, the Military Aviation Authority, Defence and Civilian aviators and importantly, construction companies, but despite huge efforts with regards to obstructions we still don’t capture everything that’s out there, hence the need to continue to promote our work. As part of that, DGC will attend the CPA Conference in October 2019 with the aim of spreading our message further and bringing more companies on board. Your accurate reporting of cranes is key in maintaining and improving our dataset with this Flight Safety Critical information. Ultimately only between us can we make a safer sky for all. For further information or to arrange a visit and expanded presentation of the above, please contact DGC via At Bennetts Cranes we pride ourselves on being the experts in tower cranes. We have an extensive and modern fleet of cranes suitable for both residential and commercial construction sites. Luffing jib Saddle jib Self-erecting Tower crane specialists CONTACT US TODAY 01453 811754 FOR HIRE AND FOR SALE | UK RAIMONDI DEALER