CPA Bulletin CPA Bulletin > August 2020 9 ASSOCIATIONNEWS: 2 Wearepleasedtoconfirmthat the2021CPASpringConference is beingheldat theHeart ofEnglandConferenceandEventsCentrenear CoventryonWednesday28thApril 2021. The themeof theeventwill bearoundprogress, recovery and rebuilding for the future, so itwill behighly relevant in light of theCOVID-19pandemic. MerrynMyattwill be convenor for theevent.Merrynwas convenor for the 2019CPAConferenceandwas a tremendous success.Merryn is a former televisionnewsreader, presenter and journalist, havingworkedon local andnational radioand television, includingbeing senior presenter onThe MoneyChannel. TheCPAConferencebrings together anumber of speakers talkingabout key issues affecting theplant-hire sector. The2019event adoptedabrand new formatwitha series of panel speakers and the2021CPAConference will followthismodel.Merrynwill encouragedebateandaudience interaction through thepanel discussions. The2021eventwill be the sixth CPAConference tobeheld. Aswell as attending theConference, delegateswill alsohave the opportunity to visit anumber of exhibitionstands. Therehas already been ahigh level of interest inexhibitionspaceand sponsorshipandweare very pleased to confirmthat theheadline sponsor for theevent isPoint of Rental Software. Confirmedexhibitors already includeGenQuipGroundhogand NOCNGroup. Exhibitionspaceat previousCPAConferenceshas beena sell-out. If you would like to findoutmore informationabout exhibitingat theevent, please contact LisaCollins on 07968840390 or email: lisa @ Spring Conference 2021