CPA Bulletin CPA Bulletin > August 2023 5 FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE At the time of writing this, my first of hopefully many ‘From the Chief Executive’ introductions to the quarterly CPA Bulletin, I’ve been in post for a grand total of 16 days (22 if you include weekends) having replaced Kevin Minton on 19th June. As the new ‘kid’ on the block, watching the CPA team go about their business in a professional and motivated way, I’m struck by how busy the June/July period is, not only for CPA staff but the whole plant-hire sector. That said, it has provided an excellent opportunity to gain a basic understanding of our industry, and whilst I acknowledge there is much to learn, Vertikal Days, Plantworx and Rail Live provided excellent opportunities both to learn and engage with members. The period has also provided me a first look at our Stars of the Future (SOTF) event - WOW! As you shall no doubt discover, SOTF is featured on the pages that follow, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank my predecessor, Kevin Minton, for being the inspiration behind the event some 10 plus years ago. Whilst during his time as CPA Policy Manager Kevin introduced and developed SOTF - and over the years that followed, it developed into the wonderful, magnificent beast we enjoyed on 6th July - if it wasn’t for his foresight our industry would be much the worse for it. I am therefore delighted that in addition to the awards to our Stars of the Future, I shall in the coming weeks present Kevin with a ‘Star of the Past’ award (see picture on the left). On behalf of all the trainers and trainees who have benefited from his foresight, from CPA members, Council and staff, we thank you - your legacy is in safe hands. So, what of the next 16 (or 22 days) and beyond? Over the next few weeks I shall continue to engage with members and Special Interest Groups both to develop my knowledge and gain an insight into what we, the CPA can do better to serve our members, support their needs and promote their interests. I look forward to engaging with as many of you as possible over the next few weeks and months in the run up to the CPA Conference 2023 on 9th November at the Heart of England Conference and Events Centre near Coventry and look forward to meeting members, sponsors, exhibitors and guests in person, but until then... enjoy the sunshine!