CPA Bulletin CPA Bulletin > August 2023 7 ASSOCIATION NEWS It has been a busy few months with the CPA team out and about at a number of trade shows and exhibitions including Vertikal Days, Rail Live and Plantworx. We benefit from hearing your concerns and feedback first hand. As this issue of the CPA Bulletin went to press, we hosted the CPA Golf Day and there will be a feature on this in the November 2023 issue. MEETING OUR MEMBERS Do We Have Your Correct Email Address? As we send out much of our communication by email, it’s vital that we have the correct email address for all members. If you are not currently receiving emails from the CPA, please email the membership team at enquiries @ with details of the email address we should use. Similarly, if you would like to change the email address we currently have, please get in touch and we will update your details accordingly. You can also contact us by telephone on 020 7796 3366 to update any information. We would advise members that if possible, you save CPA as a contact in your address book so that you don’t miss any communication from us and all emails arrive in your inbox. SPRING2022 RAPIDGROWTHFORWEG ALTERNATORMANUFACTURER SEESEUROPEANEXPANSION THEENERGYREVOLUTION AN INSIGHTFROM CLIVEDEADMAN PROXIMITYBIAS THEDANGERSOFHYBRID WORKING AMPS Power The CPA is forging closer links with a fellow trade association called AMPS (Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Power Generating Systems). Some of our members may already be familiar with AMPS which is the trade association and industry voice for the UK’s diesel and gas-engine power generating sector and associated businesses. AMPS members include the likes of Abird Power Solutions, Aggreko, Atlas Copco, Cummins, FuelActive, Kohler SDMO and CPA members such as MHM Group. Like the CPA, AMPS provides technical guidance, lobbying support and best-practice assistance for its members and produces a quarterly publication known as ‘AMPS Power’. AMPS has very kindly offered to send future issues of AMPS Power free of charge to any CPA members who would like copies moving forward. To arrange this, simply email ampsmagazine @ with your contact name and full postal address. You will then be put on the circulation list to receive future copies of the magazine. Further information on AMPS is available at CELEBRATINGTHEAMPSAWARDS WINNERS2022 FEATUREARTICLES INSIDETHIS ISSUE: IAIDAPPEAL:AMPS MEMBERSSUPPORT EARTHQUAKEVICTIMS I INTRODUCINGNEWAMPS DIRECTORGENERAL, DAVIDOATES TheAssociationofManufacturers and suppliersofPowergenerating systems WINTER/SPRING2023 |WWW.AMPS.ORG.UK MAGAZINE P06 NUCLEARCARSANDCATHEDRALSWITH PROFESSORCLIVEDEADMAN P10 ANOSTALGICLOOKBACKATTHEFORMATION OFAMPS P14 ENERGY INNOVATION THEGOOD,THEBADANDTHEUGLY FEATUREARTICLES INSIDETHIS ISSUE: ITHEAPPLICATIONOF GENERATORS INDATA CENTRES IINSPIRINGTHENEXT GENERATIONOF ENGINEERS IAMPSNATIONAL CONFERENCE2022 TheAssociationofManufacturersandSuppliers ofPowerSystems&AncillaryEquipment SUMMER2022 | WWW.AMPS.ORG.UK MAGAZINE P10 CONSTRUCTIONVEHICLESGONET ZEROWITHADELANTECHNOLOGY P22 PEOPLEPURPOSEPLANET. INCLUSION STRATEGYFOR LONGTERMSUSTAINABILITY P32 AMPSMEMBERSREGIONALDAYATTHE ANSONENGINEMUSEUM FEATUREARTICLES INSIDETHIS ISSUE: IAMPSAWARDSFOR EXCELLENCE PRESENTATIONDINNER IANOVERVIEWOFGLOBAL FREIGHTCHARGESFROM PAULHUSTON TheAssociationofManufacturersandSuppliers ofPowerSystems&AncillaryEquipment AUTUMN2022 |WWW.AMPS.ORG.UK MAGAZINE P17 CROWNOILSCELEBRATE10YEAR ANNIVERSARY P09 AMPSANNUALGOLFDAYATTHEMEREGOLF CLUB,CHESHIRE P14 ASSOCIATION NEWS Follow us on LinkedIn If you don’t already follow us on LinkedIn, follow CPA - Construction Plant- hire Association which is now the CPA LinkedIn account. Follow this account for all the latest news and updates from the CPA. We’re also on Twitter @ CPA_Planthire and on Facebook @ Construction Plant-hire Association .