CPA Bulletin

48 CPA Bulletin > August 2024 rail plant association RAIL PLANT ASSOCIATION: 1 To open the proceedings Jonathan Dunster MD of SVR, welcomed everyone to the railway and described the opportunities which the railway provides for testing, training and demonstrations of railway plant. Steve Fetherstone followed on with the “What’s on My Mind session” . Topics covered included: • A recent tragic fatality of a rail colleague on his drive home. • Runaway incident • Safety trends • Supply and demand balance for plant • Change of government • Bring back blockades • Short notice cancellations • Fatigue management impact on rosters • Modernising maintenance impact on rosters Consideration of travelling distances when awarding contracts • Christmas • Network Rail owning and operating plant • Incentives to invest and challenges to innovate • Rail Live review Jordan Skey , Network Rail’s Technical head of plant took everyone through the latest plant safety bulletins and the latest standards’ updates. Doina Diac , Network Rail’s lead for plant product acceptance explained the latest changes to the product acceptance process along with some good practices for companies going through the process. TimWalden , Network Rail’s Capital Delivery Director for the Wales and Western Region provided an update on the key issues facing the region along with a forward pipeline of the total volumes of work through CP7. Tom Male , Head of Capital Portfolio Delivery at Network Rail, presented the latest, week by week, work volumes at a National level over the next 18 months including the significant peaks at Christmas 2024 and Christmas 2025. Network Rail’s Commercial Director, Phil Bennett provided a response to the RPA concerns on Christmas terms and conditions and on short notice cancellations. I was impressed by the progress made on both issues. Martyn Cusack , senior supply chain manager at HS2 (High Speed Two) Ltd, provided the annual update from HS2 on the progress of the programme and the likely timescales on when the plant requirements will need rail mounted equipment. By registering on the website you will be able to see the up-and-coming opportunities. We covered a lot of ground during the day which equips the Rail Plant Association Ltd (RPA) members with better information to inform their own business plans. The next RPA leadership event will be on 5 November. If you are the director of a rail plant company, which is an RPA member, then please contact Adam Godwin if you wish to be invited. Euro Vehicle Numbering System (EVN) UP to issue 7, the UK special number in the European Vehicle Numbering(EVN) system was 99709. However, in issue 7 and 7.1, this was changed to zz709 and the zz indicates the OTP does not have running mode and hence can’t work or travel outside a possession. Please see below the relevant part of RIS-1530-PLT issue 7.1 albeit it doesn’t describe the zz part. Please let me know if you need any further information. RPA Leadership Meeting The Sixth Rail Plant Association Leadership Meeting was held on Tuesday 9th July 2024 at the Valley Suite, Severn Valley Railway, Kidderminster.