CPA Bulletin CPA Bulletin > November 2023 5 FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE As I write this introduction, Conference 2023 is just around the corner and, although it shall be covered in detail in a later issue, I should like to take the opportunity to thank our headline sponsor Point of Rental Software in addition to all our other sponsors and exhibitors for their support; without you we should not be able to do what we do. I am very much looking forward to my first CPA Conference and meeting as many of the circa 200 delegates scheduled to attend as is possible. If you look at page 4 opposite, you shall see an appeal from the Plant & Hire Aid Alliance. I would ask you to take a moment to read the content and pause whilst the message sinks in. In an environment that can be understood only by those experiencing it, any comfort that we can collectively provide may, for however short a time, bring joy to a child. Please, if you are able, consider supporting this very worthy cause. It is, I am told, a scientific fact that as humans there is more joy in giving than receiving - let’s find out together! As a result of the elections that took place co-incident with the CPA AGM in October, I should like to welcome Warren Wilkinson (Explore Plant & Transport Solutions) and Daniel Thompson (Speedy Hire Plc) as full members of Council and Chris Gill (L Lynch Plant Hire & Haulage), Steve Wright (Sir Robert McAlpine) and Garry Orr (Synergy Hire Ltd) as newly co-opted members. These appointments, in addition to the re-election of Brian Jones (President), Steve Mulholland (Chair) and Siôn Morgan Jones (Vice Chair) augur well for the future of the CPA. Welcome to this issue of the CPA Bulletin