CPA Bulletin
18 CPA Bulletin > November 2024 SKILLS & TECHNICAL: 1 SKILLS & TECHNICAL Good Practice Guide on the Use of Human Form Recognition Systems An exploratory meeting to discuss and scope the project was held in April 2024. Topics discussed included fitment specifications, what the systems do and how information is reported and interrogated. All agreed that the main function of these systems is to enhance safety but was noted that with different systems entering the market, that specifiers and operators of plant would need further information on the function and uses of the various systems on the market. To ensure cross-sector support, it was agreed to undertake this project through the CIPSG - chaired by CPA in co-operation of the HSE - to allow greater ownership of the issue across the sector. The first meeting of the working group was held on 24th September 2024 and consisted of a range of attendees representing plant hirers, OEM’s, third-party HFRS suppliers and Tier 1 contractors. The day was focussed on planning the project. determining the title of the publication and identifying proposed sections of the guidance. The working group is being divided into two sub-groups, each of which will tackle the technical content of the proposed sections. One group will focus on the regulative/ standards, types and fitment, and the responsibilities and liabilities sections. The other group will be focussing on the management on site, education and behaviours and the data monitoring sections. Once each group has completed their work, the various sections will be joined into a single publication which then the draft will be publicly available for external comments before being finalised. The group hope to complete the project work by mid-2025. Plant Sector Representative Organisation Update The Plant Sector Representative Organisation (PSRO) Board met in mid-September 2024 with the main discussion being the approval process of CSCS-alliance plant card re-licencing programme, being undertaken over the last three months, for which PSRO support would be required. This meant that current CSCS-alliance plant-card schemes needed to provide evidence that theymet the requirements of the PSRO competency framework. This evidence, including interviews with each scheme, was then assessed by the PSRO’s Technical Review Group (TRG) along with mapping each scheme’s training and assessment standards for selected categories against the CITB short duration training standards. The findings and any recommendations made by the TRG recommendation would be approved by the Board before being passed onto CSCS. This in turn would require the relevant scheme to enact an action plan within agreed timescales. A proposal for a joint PSRO and CITB seminar was discussed at the Board meeting in order to promote the CITB plant operations short duration training standards and was supported by Board Members. Three dates have now been identified in early 2025: 22nd January - South 28th January - Midlands 6th February - North An additional date for Scotland is being arranged. Venues for all seminars are The Construction Industry Plant Safety Group (CIPSG), chaired by CPA, is now in the process of devising a good practice guide around the use of human form recognition and detection systems. Issues around the fitment, use and data collection were first raised at the February 2024 meeting of the CPA Council fromwhich it was agreed that the CPA should devise industry-wide guidance in order to provide consistency and clarity on the application and management of these systems.