CPA Bulletin

FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE CPA Bulletin > November 2019 5 HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS... CPA is working with other employers’ organisations to set out standards and help plant card schemes and awarding bodies align to what the sector really needs in the future. We took the initiative to forma new body, as it was clear fromMembers’ feedback and from our roadshows earlier this year that there was a need for clarity and greater efficiency in training and certification of plant operators. The new ‘Plant Sector Representative Organisation’ has a series of open meetings in November, where you can find out more about the project and the benefits it will bring to employers. You can read more about the meetings and the new organisation on page 9. We are already planning for next year’s CITB Consensus process. In 2017 we contacted all Members to ask their views on Levy and Grant, and this exercise will happen again in mid-2020. Please watch out for more information from us and fromCITB, including some local CPA Member engagement events in early 2020. The CPA Conference in October dealt with the theme of business resilience - which was very relevant in the light of some recent high-profile company failures in our sector, and the seemingly never-ending uncertainty over the effects of Brexit. This year’s discussion panel format brought out some interesting insights and authentic personal experiences. The event was well supported and well attended - thank you to all our sponsors, speakers and everyone who participated.